For aspiring blues drummers who want to improve their skills and play like a pro, we'll help you master the art of blues drumming in just 8 weeks.

Learn from Tony TC Coleman, who has played with legendary blues artists, and experience rapid skill development by following his unique and effective practice techniques.

Boost your learning with exclusive access to our unparalleled resource library and personalized feedback on your progress, all without having to endure boring, repetitive exercises or tedious theory lessons.

here’s your chance to learn from a Master in the world of Blues And Soul Drumming.

Even if you've never played a drum before, our course
will have you keeping time like a seasoned musician.

Learn Drum Basics

Learn the fundamental skills of drumming, such as posture, hand technique, and notation.

Play Diverse Beats

Practice playing different types of beats, including rock, funk, jazz, and Latin rhythms

Explore Fills & Solos

Enhance your playing with fills, solos, and improvisation techniques to develop your own style.

Pro Drum Skills

Take your drumming to the next level with advanced techniques, such as polyrhythms, double bass drumming, and electronic incorporation

Rhythm is Life: Join Our Drumming Course and Feel the Beat!

Tony Coleman, Leader

If you're looking to take your drumming skills to the next level, then you won't want to miss this unique drumming course led by the legendary blues drummer Tony Coleman. With over 40 years of experience under his belt, Tony has toured and recorded with some of the biggest names in blues music, including BB King, Buddy Guy, and Albert King, to name just a few. In this course, he'll be sharing his hard-won insights and techniques with students, helping them develop their own unique style and sound.

Over the course of this program, you'll learn everything from the fundamentals of blues drumming to more advanced techniques like shuffles, backbeats, and fills. Tony will walk you through each step of the process, providing detailed instruction and plenty of hands-on practice time. By the end of the program, you'll be able to confidently play along with some of the most iconic blues songs of all time, and you'll have a deep understanding of what makes this genre of music so special.

But perhaps the best part of this course is the opportunity to learn directly from Tony himself. With a warm and engaging teaching style, Tony makes learning to play the blues both fun and accessible. Whether you're a beginner looking to get started or an experienced drummer looking to take your skills to the next level, this course is an absolute must. So don't wait - sign up today and start playing like the blues legends of old!

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